Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Long Overdue Update

My apologies for the prolonged silence on our end here. Things became rather busy after the last post. After the runners staying at the estate settled in, I asked them all to gather for a meeting. I explained to them what the Resistance is, and what we aim to do. At that point, I asked who among them would be willing to join. It was silent for a few moments. Then one of them stood up, a thin, shaggy haired teen by the name of Brett. Then I saw Kiba's brothers stand, followed by Kiba herself. Before I knew it, half of the group was on their feet. I looked at them and offered my thanks, and told them that training would begin early the following morning. With Marcus' help, we began training the recruits. Marcus was a Marine that saw multiple tours in Vietnam, so they were learning from the best. We have been busy with training since then. With the training almost finished, I decided it would be best if I updated, let you all know that we are still alive. We shall likely become more active soon. For now, farewell.



  1. I'm glad to see you're not dead. And I hope you guys are successful in your goal.

  2. What ah... what was their goal again?

    1. Our goal is to provide safehouses where Runners can flock to for safety, and join the Resistance should they so choose. Obviously, having everyone stay in one place is a bad idea, so we have been working on a system of multiple safehouses that Runners can cycle through, so as not to draw as much attention. As has been stated before, we have three safehouses already established. One here in Georgia, one in Kansas, and one in California. We hope to establish more safehouses as time progresses. I feel that I must stress this: The Resistance is not an army that will try to wage a war. We are a defensive force sworn to protect Runners.


    2. Ah. I'm starting to remember how dumb I thought this whole plan was but I suppose you've got the free time on your hands.

    3. Perhaps it is not the best idea. But with that said, I refuse to simply sit back and let the hunting of Runners continue, nor am I simply going to charge at the nearest Proxy base brandishing a machete. I felt that this system, while admittedly imperfect, is one that could do something to help.


    4. If you give a man a sword, he will go out to try to use it not once giving thought to the terrible weight he has been burdened with.

      And for reference, that is a metaphor.

    5. Very true. I assume you think you have a better idea. By all means, explain what you think.


    6. If I had a better idea, I may or may not already be doing it and it may or may not be classified.

    7. Based on previous statements you made on other blogs, allow me to make a guess. Something pertaining to the old Sage system. Am I correct?


    8. That was certainly an idea that got acted on at one point.

      Listen man. I understand the want to protect yourselves. By all means, learn to defend yourselves. But I find it never stops at defense and you should really be mindful of that in the proceedings in both how you train them and in how they themselves go about handling what they learn.

    9. The Sage system did have potential. And while I wish otherwise, you are correct. I understand that it will not be as simple as just defending ourselves. And when the time comes, we will be as ready as I can make us.


    10. I feel that's not what I said and you see what you want to see.

      I warning you that it will go beyond simple self defense as a direct result of teaching self defense and for you to be mindful that you can not just simply tell your students 'this is for self defense'. Because they likely have already decided what they are going to use it for going into this.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Ah. Well, I suppose that is valid point. I can't expect everyone to use what I teach them for what it's intended for. And I am sure that a few of them have ulterior motives for joining. I thank you for the advice, and believe me, I am being as careful as I can with this.


    13. You know, I really respect the goal of setting up safehouses. It's a good goal, really. Sometimes, the offensive is the right move to make. Mind you, I'm not saying you should be throwing defenseless runners to their deaths, but, well, you also shouldn't be waiting for those wolves to blow the house down. Thanks for doing what I can't, and good to see you alive though.

  3. Defensive fighting is better than no fighting I guess.

    (I mean no fighting as in runners just running. No fighting at all would be best of course. But as long as the Fears keep terrorizing us that ain't gonna happen.)

  4. You are the last person I expected to pop back out, welcome back, thought you were dead, good to have you back.

    Your idea, of teaching runners self defense is a good idea, but as Fracture said, self defense alone won't get them anywhere, teaching them on how to attack is also a good way of self defense, they need to know on how to fight back.

    From there on, it is their own decision on weather they want to stay and protect you're safe house, or leave and help those Survivors, who are fighting back.

    Also, be careful of rats, a lot of traitors tend to pop up in places where there is an organization.

    - Mr. Incognito.

  5. Group of 18 around La, Hiding out round Bonaparte Avenue, if you're able and willing to get to them. According to my friend, all have rudimentary firearms training.

  6. Greetings my brother. Maybe it would be a good idea if we speak about your project. I don't really have a "safehouse", but maybe I could help to arrange something similar in the vicinity. This place go nuts once the folks stick with each other for too much time, so new faces would be something good.
