Monday, March 31, 2014

Final Decisions

I've finished recovering from the fight on the Path, though my vision has yet to improve. In any case, it is reassuring to see that things at the estate have not changed in my absence, and everyone seems thrilled by my return. However, I had several guests coming to me with concerns about the "potential threat" I was allowing to walk the grounds unattended. I've done my best to assure them that Melody is not a threat to them, though I kept their concerns in mind when she approached me today, asking if we could talk in private.

"So, I've been thinking about things since we got out."

"What kind of things?"

She started walking around the room. "I don't want to go back to being a proxy. After all, I never wanted to be one in the first place, and Tall Dark and Faceless made it clear that I wasn't exactly welcome. On top of that, I owe you for saving me back on the Path."

"You owe me nothing, Melody. I told you I would help you out of there, and I did."

"You said you'd help me out of the loop. You could have ditched me the minute the denizens showed up. Instead, you got yourself cut up protecting me." She came to stop by the wall, leaning against it and folding her arms. "At the very least, I owe you an eye."

I knew that debating with her on this would get us nowhere, so I moved back to the topic at hand. "You were talking of your plans?"

She nodded, walking over and sitting across from me. "I want to stay here, be part of your Resistance thing."

"Very well. I'd be more than happy to let you stay."

"I also want you to teach me this magic stuff you do."

I shook my head. "I've already taken Brett on as an apprentice."

"So? It can't be that hard to train someone, why not take on a second one? I won't be a hindrance, I swear."

I thought for a moment. Magic is tricky to grasp, and teaching it to someone isn't easy, unless you have someone that is a natural at it. Still, I could tell she was determined to learn, and if I told her no now, she'd only continue pushing me on it until I finished training Brett, or said yes. In the end I sighed, and agreed to teach her.

She got out of her char and hugged me. "Thank you. I promise, I'll be the best student you ever have. And if it's okay, I'd prefer to keep my mask." I nodded, seeing no harm in it. We had several ex-servants turned runners staying with us, one of whom also preferred to keep his old mask on. With that, she walked out of the room, and I personally informed everyone of Melody's decision to join at dinner that night.

As of now, there's about twenty seven people at the estate who are part of the Resistance, and another thirty one who are here for protection from the Fears. As for our next move, I'll get to that in the next post.


  1. Shadow, my friend.

    I'm glad that you're back safe and sound, however I must ask the logic behind letting Melody in, further more, teaching her this "Magic" Remember, you met her recently and already you trust her?

    Not the wisest decision.

    - Mr. Incognito.

    1. My safehouse already has about fifty runners and ex-servants, why should I refuse Melody the same opportunity? As for taking her as an apprentice, that is harder to explain. I suppose my only reason for that is the same reason Clair taught me, or my teaching Brett, and that is it simply felt like the right decision.


    2. Your decision, but remember, you have to keep asking yourself, when you teach her those tricks, what if she uses them against you and those other people living inside your safe house? What happens then? How many will die before you stop her?

      What am I trying to say? You're making a decision which might risk the lives of innocent people that you are trying to protect, I hope you realize that.

      - Mr. Incognito.

    3. How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not going to turn on them.Why would I? These people have been nothing but kind to me, and that's a damn sight better than when I was serving. On top of that, who exactly would I be betraying them to? I've been in that hellhole for two years, anyone I knew is probably dead or insane by now.

      I've been given a second chance here, an opportunity to start over. I have no intention of messing it up.


    4. Can you understand the suspicion? Proxies don't have a very good track record of telling the truth. We don't have a lot to go on except your word and we don't know how good you are at collateral damage control.

      The distrust might annoy you, but guess what, people's lives may be at stake.

    5. Yeah, I get why everyone doesn't trust me.I guess all I can do is bear with it and prove I mean what I say.

